Submission Milestone

I sent out two more stories today, and noted that this brings my total active submssions up to ten.  Not an earth-shattering record, but a new high for me.  Now if only I could get the other twenty or so stories waiting on my hard drive out the door before these start coming in!

SF Reader Forum

You’ll notice a couple new names in my blogroll, Jordan Lapp and Von Darkmoor, and I’ll probably be adding more in the next while.  I’ve discovered a forum, SF Reader, that has some cool folks and great links. Check it out.  They might bark, but they don’t bite.

Ricasso Press

In the course of submitting Warrior’s Flame to Ricasso Press’s Black Dragon, White Dragon, I came across comments in the forum saying what a cool name it is.  Apparently it’s something that anyone ‘in the know’ wouldn’t have to ask about. So, here’s a definition of ricasso on wikipedia, and here’s the definition from a glossary

AlienSkin Contest

AlienSkin’s advertizing another contest that’s piqued my interest.  This one follows all the usual rules, such as must be a well-written story, 1,000 words or less, etc., but is supposed to be an integrated sci fi and horror story. The deadline is May 28th, the winner gets $50.00 and a t-shirt, the honorary’s will be

Top Ten Gleanings from Miss Snark

I’ve been enjoying Miss Snark’s site for some time, so I was appreciative of this ‘lessons learned’ list posted by one of her snarklings.  I’ve taken the liberty of adding a few of my own. Agents are human, too.  Be cool. Don’t grovel.  It waves a red flag before the horned stilettos. Resist the urge

On the Writing Front

I did get my Ruins story finished and off, and have sent two other stories as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a patent filed on how to write in your sleep, so I’ve yet to make my fortune.

Hook: Gift of the Magpie

I finally took my own challenge to write a hook for a novel I’m outlining, just to give myself practice and maybe get it ready for a Miss Snark-style hook critique. Gift of the Magpie Urban Fantasy Raven is being stalked by a man who’s decided that she’s his ex-wife. It all started when her cousin went

To Weigh a Rejection Letter

How much do your rejection letters weigh?  Do they add up to a pound? Imagine you had an ancient scale.  You take it out, dust it off, and set it on the desk.  Now pile your rejection letters on one side.  What would you place on the other?  Missing your favorite show for three years

Ready, Set, Write!

I decided to submit to a Ruins anthology that closes to submissions on April 15th.  I’ve got a story idea that will be a blast to write and is all plotted out–but it’s yet to be started. Given my usual story word count of around 7 or 8,000 words, after trimming, that means I’ll be writing a total

Roman Numerals

I don’t know where I was when everyone else was picking up their roman numerals–perhaps making a braided rug from rainbow socks, or befriending a hive of bees–but I wasn’t sorting out the little V’s and X’s. Now, because of the WOTF contest, I want to know what they mean!  So here’s a link that