Luke’s hand, Darth Vader, and Story Core

I’ve been having deep writerly thoughts–or I think I have.  Maybe they’re just morbid.  But, they’re all centered on Star Wars, so bad can they be?  I mean, a series of movies with a man-eating hole, a nasty ‘thing’ living in a garbage chute that’s going to squish you alive, and a bad guy who wants

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: The Cheshire Cheese Cat

This book was soo much fun!  It really was the kind of book you can’t recommend highly enough–and it’s rather telling that when I brought it home I was already a few pages in ’cause I’d read a bit in the car…and didn’t read another word for several days. How is that high praise, you’d

Mavelous Middle Grade Monday: The Fairy’s Mistake, by Gail Carson Levine

I loved Ms. Levine’s beautiful cinderella retelling, Ella Echanted, so when I picked up The Fairy’s Mistake I decided to try it even though the cover looked a little…passive? Or maybe awkward is the word.  But the story was nice and active–frankly quite better than the cover promised.  Of course, having said that, this is no Ella

Funny Friday (the 13th) Faceoff

On this luckiest of Fridays, I plan to write 5k words (or cry trying) and post my humor homework.  I’m experiencing a little nerves over this, since the humor class teacher is none other than founding Onion editor, Scott Dikkers.  The focus this week is on ‘headlines’ so tell me if these are funny: B.

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: Howl’s Moving Castle (Picture Book) by Hayao Miyazaki

In order to properly spotlight this book I must first trust you all with a small confession.  A confession which I find is just a little hard to put to keyboard now that I come to it…so no laughing, alright? The thing is, when I heard that Mr. Miyazaki was retiring, I was horrified.  [that’s

Friday Funny Faceoff the 3rd

Hooray for Friday!  We made it! lol  This week was one day short, so I ought to feel I’ve got extra energy in me and Friday came early.  But I think Fridays are like cats.  They are never late, just as they are never early.  They always come precisely when they mean to. Or, was that wizards? You’ll

I’ve been Pig-napped

Ever wondered how famous old-time authors got so much written, despite having no computer?  Ever wanted to boost your own productivity?  I recommend pig-napping, aka, being held hostage by the pigs. Over the last week as they honed their ability to escape (and we attempted more desperate means of keeping them in) I’ve discovered two things: First, that

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: Whatever After, by Sarah Mlynowski

Once Upon A Time there was a slim little book on the shelf, with pink on the cover and a veeery girly look. But, I tried it anyway–and that ended happily ever after for me!  Whatever After: Fairest of All was just as slim as it looked–not a lot of plot twists there, and we only see a small

Friday Funny Faceoff the 2nd

Was it just me, or did this week start off really lame?  Tired, gray…okay, I think it was just me.  ‘Cause actually Monday was kinda green and sunshiney, at least around here.  But either way, the good news is– And, so did the week!  First we’ve got an awesome cartoon I picked up at Hubspot,