Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: B Magical

This story is proof that good things can come in small packages!  B Magical: The Missing Magic is a slim little book, and the story’s not terribly complex, but it packs a lot of fun into those pages.  My favorite bit was undoubtably the hamster, which you can see there on the cover, looking like he’s

Funny Friday Faceoff: the funny thing about humor writing

This week in my online humor class, several of us felt a bit like Grumpy Cat does every day– And a few students were even thinking of throwing in the towel.  Not a pretty towel, either.  This towel. Because the truth is that humor writing is hard.  And sometimes humiliating.  Which…is actually kind of funny, when you

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: Letters From Rapunzel

My latest middle grade project, Pandora’s Popcorn Potion, is a kind of fractured fairy tale, so I picked this up after I finished the first draft to see what my comps are doing.  I thought it would be light and sassy–which it was–but had no idea it would also bring tears to my eyes!  After finishing it, I

Friday Funny Faceoff–Shutting it All Down

The most amusing part of the shutdown for me personally is that I can’t dredge up a single memory of the last time.  It was in winter of 95/96, and lasted for several months over Christmas.  But, I was getting married in February of ’96 and had other things on my mind.  Of course I’m

Why the Carolinas have the Best SCBWI Conference

First there’s the obvious reason–’cause we rock!  Then there’s our tireless (I swear, she really doesn’t appear to have a ‘tired’ setting!) RA Teresa Fannin, and all our great PAL members that are super generous with their time.  But let me share a few of the highlights from the conference speakers–just a few–and you decide for