In Which The Writer Pauses on Her Rewrites

February has so far been my worst month ever at getting blog posts up, and for the lamest reasons.  I’ve had lots to post about–it’s just all focused on my novel rewrites.  And, since repeating how grateful I am that the rewrites are going well and reporting that I’m still hard at work on 13 Demon Days gets boring, I’ve just ended up not posting.  But, there must be life beyond rewrites.  Just give me a minute…I’ll think of something…

Here we go!  Our pet turkey, Mouncy, has proven herself to be a survivor yet again.  She was attacked twice this last winter, the second encounter ripping open her side.  We think a badger.  But, she’s pulled through both encounters and is now molting, so she’ll even have feathers to cover herself.  Something every stylish turkey insists upon having.  Yay for new feathers and a sweet turkey who endures.

In other news, the toe I smashed and attempted to dissociate from my foot is healing.  The swelling has gone down and most the bruising disapeared.  There is still one dark purple spot and a long angry red line.  Were I to recreate the whole Toe vs. Ottoman drama you would no doubt better understand the siginificance of those particular bruises, but alas, I will not be making a youtube of me smashing my toe anytime soon.  Sorry, but I just don’t love you that much.

Perhaps the most spectacular news is that ::drum roll:: the Christmas decorations are now entirely packed away!  Yes, I know, given that there is only one day left in February that hardly seems something to brag about.  However, let me suggest several reasons why waiting until this late date to pack Christmas decore away is a brilliant plan:

  1. The weather was fantastic this weekend.  Given that packing Christmas away involves a great deal of going in and out of the house while we find boxes and transport said boxes into storage, having gorgeous weather is a big plus.
  2. Since March and spring are right around the corner, all the winter decorations like snowmen and icicles also get packed away.  This allows the family to move straight from winter fun to spring festivities.  See?  Brilliance, I tell you!
  3. We get to skip decorating for Valentines Day entirely.
  4. Did I mention I’ve been working on a book?  Something about rewrites?  The best part about waiting to pack Christmas until this weekend was that the whole family was free to help, which translated into extra hours writing for me.  I’m sure my family would back me up in saying that walking around piles of Christmas crap in the kitchen for six weeks was well worth it.

In other happy news, the misplaced Godiva chocolates that were my hubby’s anniversary gift to both of us have been found.  Better yet, they were found by me, and not my kids.   Can you possibly guess what I’ll do while nibbling away at a key lime truffle or extra-dark ganache?

That’s right–you’re so clever!  I’ll be working on my rewrites of 13 Demon Days!

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  1. Stacey


    OK, You are one of the women I just have to hate. My Christmas decorations are NOT all packed away, although they are not exactly on display either… sort of puched to the side. And I do not have a novel to use as an excuse. I don’t really hate you… you know that… but now I REALLY oughta put the Christmas crap away, too. [HUGE SIGH]

  2. Reply

    You might not have a novel, but you’ve got four beautiful kids and a teaching job! I’d say that’s excuse enough. Besides, in a brave moment on Wednesday or Thursday I looked at the calender…and realized this might be my last chance to rope the family into helping until some time in April. I confess, for a few minutes I thought about getting the tree back out and decorating it in spring flowers and easter eggs…I think that’s when the family offered to put it away! 😉

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