Top Ten Ways to Cope This Holiday

10 – Just buy everyone on the list a gift certificate. 9 – Work out the punching bag at the gym. 8 – Vent your frustration into your driving. 7 – Get in to your pajamas and stay in them ’til New Years. 6 – Buy yourself the complete Spa treatment. 5 – Start a blog, then use it to blackmail aquaintances. 4 – Tell your kids Santa

Names For Obscure Unknowns

This is a list of names [found on Canongate] for things that you might not guess had a name.  Some of them I’ve heard of, some I’m a little suspicious of, but they’re certainly interesting. I hear my stomach wamble so I’ll go get my cup off the zarf.  I’ll nestle the cup in my purlicue and be

Happy Feet

First let me say that my enjoyment of the movie was affected by the company I had while watching it.  We saw it as part of our five-year old’s Bday party, and had a dozen young friends of hers to keep track of while we watched the show. I know, more brave than brainy. The

This Week In Words (12-10-06)

Aberration >n. a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome: they described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration. Delineate >v. describe or portray (something) precisely: the law should delineate and prohibit behavior that is socially abhorrent. Entente >n. a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or

Top Ten Things to Give as White Elephant Gifts

10 - The ‘vote for me’ pamphlets they gave you last election.  9 – A diaper with unwrapped chocolates inside.  8 – The hairball your cat threw-up. 7 – All the margarine lids in your tupperware drawer. 6 – The dead (pet) fish you’re keeping frozen in the freezer. 5 – All your unmatched socks. 4 – Your rattiest and ugliest old text book. 3 – Your old kickboxing

Introducing Change In a Story

I’ve been spending some time thinking about the impetus for change which often kicks a story off the ground and gets it rolling.  Some change is essential to adventure or character driven stories in which action will play a key role, but a balance must be reached between catching the reader’s attention with a wild new thing, and


Some pretty cool pictures of critters in the zen mode–scientists in China are playing with levitation.  I haven’t figured out how to stick a picture in my blog, so you’ll have to follow the link.  Sorry.