Wrapping Up the Week

I haven’t done one of those ‘this week in words’ posts in a long while, but if I did, this weeks’ words would include a lot of fast action verbs, several dealing with parties and holidays, and a few unmentionable curse words. We’ve had workmen of one sort or another out here every day this week. 

O Christmas Tree

Some of my earliest memories of Christmas center around the tree.  I love the music, the deeper spiritual celebration, and the family traditions, but I’m a visual person so the vivid image of a glowing tree has always stood out bright in my mind.  I also really loved the scent of a fresh cut pine, kept

Elfin Letter–Spec the Halls

This story/letter is a part of the Spec the Halls contest for speculative winter holiday-themed fiction, artwork, and poetry. You may find guidelines and links to other entries at http://www.aswiebe.com/specthehalls.html.  Enjoy!  To My Comrades in the Field, Our cause goes forward, despite recent attacks from the big man in red. The flying Reindeer manure was