In Which The Writer Pauses on Her Rewrites

February has so far been my worst month ever at getting blog posts up, and for the lamest reasons.  I’ve had lots to post about–it’s just all focused on my novel rewrites.  And, since repeating how grateful I am that the rewrites are going well and reporting that I’m still hard at work on 13 Demon Days gets boring, I’ve just ended up

Handmade Christmas Craft Roundup

Warning:  This post contains spoilers.  If, after reading below, you suspect that you or your child will be receiving one of the gifts shown, please perform an emergency mind wipe.  If you don’t know how to conduct a mind wipe, consult the men in black. Yarn cats are notoriously camera-shy, so out of the almost

Winter Wonderland, Southern Style

Nobody does snow and ice like the south.  All those northern and midwestern and even western states spend months every year practicing–shoveling snow, de-icing cars, driving calmly through blizzards–but they just don’t get it.  The way to do snow properly is to stop in your tracks and stare. Cancel school. Build a snowman. And give thanks every day while the