Fatty Foods Prohibition

What with the food banning proposed in NYC and lawsuits elsewhere, I’m thinking that we’ll soon see ‘speak easies’ for fatty fried foods such as the eternally evil McDonald’s french fries. I can see it now– the dark alley and back door entrance.  The soft knock and murmured password.  The hooded, hidden figure shows you to your

Narcissistic Celebrities

Another great study in the science of ‘duh’ has found that Celebrities are more narcissitic than average folks.  They’re defining narcissism as self-love. Of course, when I saw this I thought, ‘Okay, tell me what else is new,’ but then I got to thinking about the whole issue.  Why is it so obvious?  Because they only talk

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Here’s more on the pirate love affair, in celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day.  I mentioned the American (and perhaps more global) fascination with pirates in my blog on video piracy, but apparently I posted early.  Happy Pirate Day, or– Ha’ye a good ‘ole haul, me maties!

Disco light shirts

Philips has released a press release about their new Lumalive fabric.  You can see it here, and watch a blip about it here.  So, can you see this marvelous gyrating disco shirt in the light of day, or is it only intended for dark alleys?  And can you change the display on the shirt to say


I found the Extreme Sport of Origami a fascinating look at one of my favorite subjects.  I love to watch the creation of Origami, and I’ve always liked the idea of taking it up.  I almost certainly won’t progress beyond basic forms if I do.  It seems to require single-minded devotion from the practitioners, and I’ve never been single-minded

Popular opinion put to the test

Scientists will study anything that earns grant money, it appears.  Popular Science’s article Science Confirms the Obvious! is a list of no-duh studies and what their researchers had to say about it.  I’m in accord with #3’s findings that too many meetings are considered a hassle.  I can count on one hand the meetings I’ve attended that left me

Appeasing the gods

From a writer’s perspective, I was really struck by this article about the Nepali women plowing naked to appease the rain gods.  I sense a brainstorm coming on . . . just thinking of the story possibilities has me reaching for pen and paper.  But then again, when I list all the things people have done to garner favor

Fire walking

Here’s an article at Live Science that makes my professors look boring, warmed over and buried alive.  I mean, this professor really knows how to heat things up in the classroom. 😉